More and more men are discarding traditional stereotypes and seeking to improve their appearance with the help of aesthetic procedures. They’re realizing that looking younger and healthier can help give their confidence a boost, and are becoming brave enough to seek solutions that are more commonly used by women. Men are increasingly seeking facials, waxing, and other specialized products and techniques that only medical aesthetics professionals can provide.Read on to see why more men are becoming interested in aesthetic treatments, as well as a closer look at what you can expect from these new clients.
1. Medical Aesthetics Training Helps Men Look their Best
Men are spending more time and money on their appearance than ever before. In fact, men’s grooming products are one of the fastest-growing segments in the beauty industry. There are numerous reasons why this shift is occurring in society. There is more general awareness about the safety and effectiveness of cosmetic procedures, and growing social acceptance for men to have access to the same enhancements that women do.

Males can be just as concerned about personal physique and looking good
As gender conventions blur, more men are turning to professionals with
medical aesthetics training. Guys can be just as concerned about their personal physique and self-image as girls. Since men have coarser skin, larger pores, and often greater sun damage, facials can provide welcome hydration while smoothing and soothing irritated skin. Guys also have generally oilier skin than their female counterparts because they produce more testosterone, which can clog pores and lead to facial blemishes.“If you have oily skin, you will need a facial that decreases your shine, shrinks your pores and exfoliates your skin,” advises Ava Shamban, a California-based dermatologist.
2. Men Want Pro Tips from your Medical Aesthetics Course
As they are generally less informed about available aesthetic services, men might require further education about their options with a complete explanation of risks and side effects. Some men may actually arrive to the spa, clinic, or office with many questions about the procedures and products used, looking for new techniques to apply at home or unfamiliar products that they should be using. Aestheticians can make their new male clients feel comfortable while taking more time to explain underlying concepts learned in their
medical aesthetics course.
3. Men are Seeking Subtle Procedures from Pros with a Medical Aesthetics Diploma
Unlike women, men generally don’t feel comfortable asking their bros for cosmetic advice. Even confident and successful fellows may feel self-conscious about discussing their looks. Men are also less likely to use preventative healthcare services or pay much attention to body changes. They favour shorter visits with quick results, so aestheticians might want to perform combination treatments rather than request return visits when possible.Most men are seeking subtle and natural looking improvements. Skin tightening and body contouring can help minimize that bulging dad bod.
Interested in helping male and female clients by pursuing a medical aesthetics diploma?
Visit the International Beauty Institute for more information about our comprehensive program.