In the hands of a skilled professional, laser hair removal devices can treat an area the size of a quarter every single second. It’s now easier than ever to remove hair quickly and easily from areas large and small, helping clients say goodbye to the stress that unwanted hair growth can bring.If you’re interested in helping others get comfortable in their own skin, consider training as a laser hair removal technician. Laser hair removal uses the latest laser technology to direct focused beams of energy onto hair shafts and follicles, disabling future hair growth. According to recent surveys conducted by Celibre Medical Corporation, The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the American Board of Plastic Surgery Procedural Statistics group, the success of this method is causing more and more clients to seek out laser solutions for their trickiest (and hairiest) problem zones.Curious about which parts you’ll learn to treat with laser hair removal training? It’s a long list, so we trimmed it down to four. See which ones slide into our ranking of the top most popular laser hair removal treatment areas.
4. Arms: Using Laser Hair Removal to Boost Clients’ Confidence & Comfort
Rounding out our list is arm hair removal, one of the most sought-after laser treatments on the market today. Unwanted arm hair can hold women back from feeling feminine, confident, and wearing what they want. As laser hair removal client Nicole West recalls, adolescence was a painful time because of the attention she got for having thick hair on her arms.“Back then there wasn’t laser hair removal,” explains Nicole. “I just had to bleach my arm hair and that was like a weekly thing. I mean, I spent so much money on arm hair bleach.”Now at the average of $125 per full treatment, clients like Nicole can stop worrying about what’s under their sleeves.
3. Legs: A Mainstay of the Laser Hair Removal Training Industry
Like the back, the legs are among the largest regions of the body you’ll learn to treat in
laser hair removal training. Each session for a laser hair removal on the full surface of the legs can take about one hour to perform.When you imagine the amount of hours women spend shaving and waxing their leg hair on a daily or weekly basis, it’s easy to see how laser hair removal saves time in the long run, and why this procedure has become so popular.

A laser technician performs a treatment on a client’s legs
2. Underarms: Quick & Easy Treatments by Today’s Laser Technicians
laser technician school, you’ll learn to treat any client’s pesky patches of underarm hair quickly and effectively. Ninety per cent of patients achieve permanent hair loss in three to five sessions, each at an average price of $169.“The follicles – you can’t even see them anymore!” says laser hair removal client Avery Parks of her laser-treated underarms. “It’s a life-changing experience.”
1. Upper Lip: The Face Comes First with Laser Technician School Clients
According to the American Association of Dermatology, the upper lip and spot-treatment on the face (including chin and sideburns) are the very most popular sites for laser hair removal treatment.When done right, removing unwanted hair from the upper lip can take less than a minute. It’s quick, effective, and doesn’t require women to grow out their facial hair to its full extent before treatment—an embarrassing alternative.“You have to grow a mustache to wax a mustache, and so now half the month I’m walking around with a mustache,” explains Sammy Williams, who struggled with excess facial hair before pursuing laser treatment. “Now that I’ve had the laser hair removal, I feel like my life is so much simpler. I feel like I look better; I feel better; I have more confidence.”

Upper lip hair is the most common reason clients go under the laser
If you’d like to help members of your community find the confidence they deserve, try training for laser hair removal. Visit IBI to get started!