An International Beauty Institute student learns the ropes of laser tattoo removal
From home-made designs to bygone fads, tattoo regrets come in an endless variety of shades, colours, and shapes. Questions about tattoo removal, on the other hand, are of the frequently asked variety. Laser technicians often address the same four concerns and questions with each new client. Will it hurt? Will it leave a scar? Does it take more than one treatment?Once you begin your career in laser tattoo removal, you’ll be able to answer each client’s questions so that they know exactly what to expect. Here are some of the questions you’ll definitely encounter.
1. Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cause Scarring?
Before laser tattoo removal, scarring was a real possibility for clients looking to ditch their unwanted ink. Procedures like dermabrasion literally sanded away layers of a client’s skin – leading to a lot of pain and scarring.

The vast majority of laser tattoo removal does not cause scarring
As a testament to those harsher procedures, many first-time clients might come to you wondering if laser tattoo removal will leave their skin scarred. Fortunately, you’ll be able to tell them that that’s almost never the case anymore. Modern laser tattoo removal procedures offer clients no more than a mere 5 per cent chance of developing scars.There are some factors which can increase a client’s chances of developing scarring. These include poor circulation, immune system deficiencies, certain prescription medications and not following proper aftercare guidelines.
2. Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt when Performed by a Trained Laser Technician?
Another top concern your clients will have is how painful laser tattoo removal can be. In this case, you’ll want to be honest and direct so that they can start their treatment knowing what to expect.As laser technicians well know, laser tattoo removal isn’t completely pain-free. Fortunately, it’s also not the most painful experience. Most laser technicians note that it feels similar to being snapped by an elastic band. So, not altogether pleasant, but often worth the discomfort for many clients who regret their tattoo choices.
3. How Many Treatments Can Clients Expect to Have Before their Tattoo is Removed?
As you begin your
laser tattoo removal courses you’ll learn that laser tattoo removal isn’t a quick fix. Clients will often need to return for repeat visits (typically between 6 and 15 treatments) before their unwanted tattoo is gone for good.The exact number of visits a client will need depends on a variety of factors. How old the tattoo is, the colour of the tattoo, the type of ink which was used, and even its size can affect how quickly or slowly it responds to treatment. For example, an old tattoo will often take fewer treatments than a newer tattoo, and tattoos that aren’t very deep might also take less time to disappear.

Larger tattoos can take longer to remove than smaller ones
4. What Aftercare is Recommended by Pros with Laser Tattoo Removal Training?
Once you
become a laser technician you’ll need to advise clients to follow the proper aftercare guidelines. These guidelines help ensure that treated skin heals properly.Many clients might have questions about what to do after a treatment. They might have read a few misguided advice columns online, or heard from a friend of a friend what to do after a treatment. As a trained laser technician, you’ll be ideally placed to make sure that they head home knowing exactly which procedures to follow and which ones to ditch.For example, the area in question should be kept clean and makeup-free. Clients should also avoid scrubbing it when showering, and avoid picking or scratching the area.
Ready to start your laser tattoo removal training?Visit International Beauty Institute to speak with one of our friendly advisors!