MeDioStar NeXT is a high-power dual-wavelength diode laser that uses a pulsating beam of light that removes unwanted hair. Before your laser hair removal appointment it is recommended that you shave the area to be treated. Do not pluck or wax, avoid UV exposure and self-tanning products 4 weeks prior, and consult your laser technician about any products you use on the area. Additionally, please inform your laser technician about any medication you are taking.
After laser hair removal some redness may occur. This is normal and we suggest applying an ice pack or a soothing gel to the area. Avoid exfoliating the area for 7 days, apply SPF 30 sunscreen or higher to the exposed area for 6 weeks (we suggest continuing sunscreen use), keep the area clean and wash gently. Avoid very hot water, hot tubs and saunas. If having an underarm hair removal treatment, avoid deodorant and antiperspirant for 12 hours after treatment. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are experience any discomfort.